Nitrosamine Impurities Testing With the Updated FDA Guidance

Updated: Click here for details on Nucro-Technics' approach to nitrosamine testing. Nitrosamine impurities have recently become a very important topic in the world of pharmaceuticals. Ever since unacceptable levels of this probable carcinogen were detected in common drugs (including angiotension II receptor blockers, Zantac, metformin), regulatory authorities have recognized the need to reduce this [...]

Nitrosamine Testing of Impurities

Updated: Click here for details on Nucro-Technics' approach to nitrosamine testing. Health Canada recently sent a letter to Market Authorization Holders (MAHs) about nitrosamine testing of impurities in human pharmaceutical products. Nitrosamine are genotoxic compounds that are potentially carcinogenic even at low exposure levels. What the regulators are asking is for the MAHs to [...]

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